Tuesday 21 June 2011

Porn Addiction Recovery - The First Step to Recover From Pornography Addiction

Swinging Teen  Local Swingers Porn addiction recovery does not happen in an instant. It can take some time to be completely over this addiction to pornography, and this stems from quite a few reasons. However one of the main reasons of failure to get rid of porn is that the very first step is never carried out.
This first step is not to get rid of your porn and think you have turned a new leaf. The first part of porn addiction recovery is also not about taking steps to not view porn again. There are many tips and tricks that can be useful to really eliminate porn from your life - but the very first thing you have to do is overcome one thing.
What to do first is very important and too often people take the wrong approach such as deleting all of their porn, or installing porn blockers, or finding distractions from looking at porn. No, the first step to really cure pornography addiction is to overcome this one aspect:
Overcoming denial is the first step to recovery from porn addiction and it is more elusive than you might think. Just because you are here reading this does not mean you have overcome denial, you might realise that you have a problem but you have not completely laid bare the true cost of porn on your life. You have probably not yet totally destroyed the lies and illusions you have wound around this habit... are any of these things still in you head?
Being free of denial is the very first step you must take to really recover form porn addiction fully. You might think that because you are searching for a solution to pornography addiction that you are over denial - but this is a more insidious thing than you might realise. Denial sits in your mind and hides until you really try to quit and then it comes out in very subtle ways at first such as these kinds of thoughts:
"I am not hurting anyone - it's harmless really"
"It's my own business what I do with my time and body - I am only looking to give up because I feel forced too"
"I feel guilty about this, but I feel angrier that other people are making me feel guilty about it"
"I know I have a problem - but I can probably just cut back a little and be fine... right?"

These are the denials you might find leeching into your brain even though you know you need to quit. Your mind hates change and will fight for the status quo but filling your head with half truths and lies. To really get rid of all denial and approach porn addiction recovery right, you have to lay your life bare and be brutally honest with yourself about the damage porn has done to yourself. This is not about blaming yourself - but it is about taking total responsibility for your actions and owning them. This way you can take charge and move on without denying anything because you own all mistakes in your life and have accounted for them.

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